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Blog CategoriesAll Posts- City of Moreno Valley leaps into the cloud with the help of ESC Partners, E Source, and Oracle
- City of Carmel Utilities taps ESC Partners to lead Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service (CCS) transition
- The case for scaling the utility workforce
- Smart meter adoption in the U.S. tops 65%
- ESC featured in top ten Oracle solution providers ranking
- The smart city redefined as people-focused
- U.S. smart city market projected to surge to $2.5 trillion by 2026
- Taking time to make a difference for cancer awareness
- InvoiceCloud, ESC Partners combine forces delivering online payment capability
- The rise of the cloud-ready digital utility
- How you can stop worrying (about implementation) & love cloud adoption
- ESC Partners SVP of Sales Valerie Ross talks respect, support, and customer success
- Moreno Valley Electric Utility (MVU) teams with ESC Partners to modernize operations, customer service
- Meet your business operations needs with ESC PARTNERS CUSTOMER CARE 360 (CC360)
- Carmel Utilities’ Scott Campbell on his utility’s Initiative of the Year win
- City of Moreno Valley redefines preparedness with proactive futureproofing
- How ESC Partners & Oracle lead the industry in sustainability best practices
- Three lessons learned from pioneering Oracle CCS implementation in Brazil
- Create a smooth unified experience for your customers & your team with ESC PARTNERS UTILIPRISE
- WEB Aruba’s Lucia Werleman may be the island country’s best ambassador
- How to guide change management at your city or utility in 5 steps
- Build the right business case to solve your unique challenges with ESC PARTNERS MANAGEMENT CONSULTING SERVICES
- Is the concept of a smart city … dead? Or has its meaning shifted?
- Make your future years of software service 10x easier with the support of ESC PARTNERS APPLICATION MANAGED SERVICES
- ESC Partners CEO and founder RJ Kumar was born and raised in the utilities business—and it shows
- Luis Gonzalez to utility execs: use AI to empower the human side of community all around the world
- You no longer have to be a metropolis to be a smart city with ESC PARTNERS SMART CITY INTEGRATION FRAMEWORK (SCIF)
- Make paying bills online a breeze for your customers with ESC PARTNERS HOMETOWN HUB (HUB)
- Make your next software install smooth & simple with ESC PARTNERS IMPLEMENTATION & OPTIMIZATION (I&O)
- Oracle vs. SAP: the research-based 2025 breakdown comparison for utilities & cities
- City of Carmel’s Scott Campbell has the best advice for your utility SaaS project
- ESC Partners customer micro case studies reference list
- Four key first steps to finding the perfect billing software for your city’s needs
- Looking for a new SaaS partner? Take a second look at their training core before you buy.
- Leadership predictions for your utility: What’s coming in 2025
- PRODUCT GUIDE: ESC Partners Customer Care 360 (CC360)